Harbor Park is used to having professional, talented, minor league Triple-A TIDES baseball players grace its field, but rarely does it allow amateurs to cross its diamonds. Unless it’s the runners of the Kettle Krush 5K!
Now in its second year, the Kettle Krush 5K is more than just a race; it’s a full day event. On May 31, 2014, runners of all abilities and speeds will descend upon Norfolk to get a chance to run in beautiful downtown Norfolk…but with a twist. The finish line is unlike any other. And it’s a moment you definitely want to experience.
Beginning just outside the baseball stadium, you’ll run toward the waterfront, cruise along the beautiful Elizabeth River, pass the Battleship Wisconsin, turn around at Nauticus for your return to Harbor Park. You think you’re going to finish where you began, but instead you enter the stadium at the warning track and that’s when things get really exciting. The stadium opens up into this spectacular blend of blues and greens, of athleticism and strength. The sounds of the music combined with the voice of the announcer get your heart pumping faster. And if you listen, you may just hear your name shouted out over the stadium speaker system. As you run around the grass toward home, you can’t help but pick up speed. And then there it is…the finish line right next to home plate.
But the day doesn’t end there. After a post race celebration, you and your family and friends have time to visit the city before heading back to Harbor Park for the TIDES baseball game and fireworks that evening. Every runner who chooses so gets a ticket to the baseball game that evening. And your family and friends who came to cheer you on get discounted tickets as well.
The Kettle Krush 5K is held to raise money for the Salvation Army of Hampton Roads. The name and slogan - Different Season, Same Reason – were chosen to “krush” the concept that the Salvation Army only provides assistance to families just at Christmas. The reality is that the Salvation Army helps the most needy in our community all year long.
Run a chipped time race, spend time in a great city of Hampton Roads, watch a baseball game, and support a great cause. www.KettleKrush5K.com
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