Sunday, August 29, 2010

Becalming Yourself

By Sally Young

The path to personal happiness, the Stoics of ancient Greece believed, comes by way of living in agreement with nature and pursuing things that promote well being. Nothing should be done that harms the body, over which one has dominion. Inner peace is kindled by extinguishing all thoughts and desires to change things beyond one's influence, being mindful of only the present.
What would it be like to run in this state of "stoic calm"?

Meditation, the development of quietude, concentration, and insight, also goes back thousands of years. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't take you through the fairy ring into a thick cloud of amnesia. It's a relaxation response that reduces oxidative stress, blood lactate levels, and
pro-inflammatory reactants. Respiration and heart rate are lowered, and a preponderance of alpha waves floods the brain, indicating a state of relaxed awareness.

For a few minutes prior to your run, sit quietly; put away active thoughts, and focus on being absolutely passive. Find a word repetition or object to dwell on. Breathe in deeply through your nose; exhale through your mouth, letting your body go limp. You¹ll begin your run released from tension, breathing as easily as a Buddhist monk. Perfect your breathing by visiting
Do As One at

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